Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Far Reaches Updates! (

First the News..

Yes. you can get the news.. who bought what. .who collected a bounty.. Who had there ship smoked or even ended up in a pod!

go to the news tab and see what happened in the last 24 hours.
or you can go here...

Don't mind Nothus smoking his own ships.. he was helping with the big update!


All you have to do is highlight them.. how?
left mouse button click, hold it down, and drag across screen.. let the mouse up, and all ships circled (that you own) are now selected..

the selected ships will appear on screen on the left. the total count selected, their names, and their registry numbers.. Green Means the hull is at 100%, yellow, some damge. Red. means the hull is almost ready to fall apart.

Most Right Click Mouse Commands are now wired to effect all ships.. To test, Nothus zoomed all the way out, grabbed 22 ships, and told them all to head to the same planet.. and they did.
with a single command, they all targeted the same abandoned frigate.

Instruction window is also Connected to selected ships. if you have multiple ships selected, open the instructions dialog. .it will tell you at the top if you are instructing one ship, or a bunch.. Ok, or apply effects all selected ships.

to unselect ships.. just left click once anywhere on the screen.

To get your update. .Close Down Far Reaches if open, and then Restart the game.. you will be automatically be connected to the update.

or you can always go to the site.

Last, and not least. Weve improved some icon images.. if you would like to make sure you have the latest, be sure to click the "replace graphics" checkbox on the login.

Pictured Above is the Polarian 500 Freigher

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