Saturday, March 1, 2008

beta update 30

Well, it’s been a hectic week around here, plenty of things keeping us busy, and not all of them related to Far Reaches!

However, on the enhancement and debug front we’ve been quite busy!

Thanks again for all of your input. If it wasn’t for the reports, we would not have been able to correct and improve the game.

The website now has a login page, allowing you to change your password, and view other basic details of your account

Many of the items we’ve corrected in the last week have to do with docking and repairing ships: the ease of use, and glitches. We believe we’ve corrected most of them. You find one.. Let Us Know!

Improvements to Instructions.
Many new players have had issues making instructions work correctly. Who buys and sells what. We’ve added a check to instructions, showing you if the planet will buy your last load of cargo, or your load of mined commodities.

Stations, and Ship Repair:
Stations have had their cargo areas increased dramatically. They need them to spend materials, repairing and building ships. Although new ship construction was held out of this update, it’s testing out quite well, and should be in soon.

When repairing a ship at a station, the station will consume Metals and organics in the repair of the ship. You run out of either, and construction stops. You will receive a note that the station needs to be re-supplied, and you can either move a station into orbit, buy supplies or transfer supplies from another ship.

Well, back to new ship construction.. if you lost the link to the game.. go here

Dan S
aka Sideovs

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