Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Introducing... Fleet Command!

This is an update that many of our more serious players have been asking about for some time: Control of Fleets.

Fleet control is dovetailed into the existing intercept command in instructions. Although intercepting/following is a great way to go for having a bunch of ships moving around, following the leader, it's limiting, especially if you dont want your command ship (freigher or harvester going first)

How Does it work?
A fleet designation occurs any time your instructions are set for on ship to follow/intercept the other in instructions. the interceptor is a fleet member, the intercepted, the commander.
you can access fleet controls from the hotkey "G" or in ship instruction, or the ship list windows.
For the fleet as a whole, you can preset items like how they move to the location, their stance, and what they do under special circumstances. Although many items are in and working, you'll notice some blanks we left for ideas in the works.

For each fleet member you can tell them to follow along (as they've always done) or set their position, relative to the commnader, and their commanders heading. these are express in the good old pilot terms relaticve to a clock dial, with each tick on the clock equaling roughly 30 degrees.

if you set the a fleet member to 12 oclock in the horizontal and vertical.. they will be in FRONT of the command ship. 6 and 6 oclock, trail behind.
there's also a few new icons, to represent all of thes ships.. check out the help section/icons for a complete description

Now for the real fun. you can break your fleet into chunks. by adding commanders to an existing fleet! It's the easiest way. sub divide large fleets. your ships will even have seperate icons.

Fleet comander

Fleet Member

Fleet commander, and member of another fleet

the occasional sideways flying ship has been corrected! thanks for your help in debugging this one, and the others coming along.

is what keeps FRS ,moving along. and moving forward growing into the game you want.. How can you contribute?Ship ModelsShip DesignsVideos, great screen caps, and how to's.
We offering rewards for any and all that contribute these items.. so send an email if you're interested.
thanks, for all your help!
Dan aka Sideovs

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