Saturday, April 12, 2008

The real world gets smoked by a beam weapon!

Here in the Midwest of the US, we had some rather torrential storms move thru, and they also seemed to hit the Northeast pretty Hard too.

on April 11th, at about 10:30 EDT (-5GMT) , The utility company supplying power to the farm where our server is housed, was hit repeatedly by lightning. although this did not knock their grid out, it has caused a series of brownouts from malfunctioning equipment. Bownouts, even with backup and alternate powersystems, are much worse on these systems then going completely black!

I've been in constant contact with the server farm, and the situation is this:

The data and internet servers are back up, but, while the utititly company gets the rest of their stuff back to 100%, we may have more brownouts, reduced bandwidth, etc.

So, you're patience is appreciated!

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